Thursday, January 10, 2008

Hello & Welcome

A very warm welcome!

If you happen to drop by, it means that you are probably a Linux user or interested in Linux :-) Well, hmmm... maybe, or are you a staunch Microsoft supporter who can't wait for any opportunity to bash Linux, and label Linux users as geeks?

Anyway, welcome.

Linux is not for everyone, you must be curious, you must be determined, you must be adventurous, you must NOT be afraid to blow things up, and last but not least you must NOT be afraid to be different! If you do not possess one or more of these characteristics, go back and continue to pay the Microsoft Tax. Just kidding.

I started exploring Linux about 4 months ago with absolutely no idea what I am getting into, today, I would say if I can install Linux onto my office computer, I will probably be a 95% Linux user, with the remaining 5% computer time helping Windows users to clear virus and spywares :-D

On a more serious note, unless you are using your computer only for internet surfing, emails, and document editing, and do not play with hardware much, it is not going to be smooth sail all the way.

I have to refer to the forums and websites for a lot of help and tips, and unfortunately I am a pretty forgetful person nor can I understand much of the Linux command syntax, so I would just copy the commands and instructions blindly from forum and websites, and I do write down a whole list of instructions & site addresses so that I can refer to them if I need to.

After some thoughts on how to organize those notes for easy reference, I thought why not create a blog so that I can have an easy access anywhere and at the same time share with fellow new users or would be convert, and so here I am!

Before I go further, here are two interesting links to read:

1.) A Cost Analysis of Windows Vista Content Protection by Peter Gutmann. Long article but very insightful read.

2.) An article on a patent that Microsoft applied, and may reveal the future of MS Operating Systems. Basically just pay and pay!

Hope you enjoy these articles. Cheers!

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